Monday, August 4, 2008

First Blog

Hello readers,

This is my first blog so I thot I might explain why I've got a blog and what I expect to post.
First of all, I must tell you that I have white hair (less than before) which qualifies me (in addition to over 30 years of experience) to offer advice to business owners (Hence my company, PAR Business Advisors LLC.) and to mentor business owners and others along their business career path.

In this blog I hope to leave some good tidbits along the way to help others on a regular basis the way that those who have mentored me have done for me. Some of them will taste good to you and you might want more and others just might taste like medicine (as well they should at times) and others might be like other peoples' shoes and not quite fit so you'll toss them aside. That's allright too. The end result, I hope is a better you and a better me.

That's all for now.

Paul Ream (PAR).

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